Professional Development
Achieving Home, School, Life Harmony - Even a pianist does not play all the keys at the same time. Instead the keys are strategically selected to create a beautiful sound. The purpose of this professional development is to provide strategies to help administrators, teachers and staff create a beautiful harmony between the various responsibilities they shoulder on a daily basis.
Do you Know Where They Live? - Although we may know the makeup of the physical location that our students come from, it is important to know where they live digitally, culturally, socially and emotionally. Through this professional development, participants will be challenged to consider all that facets that make their students who they are.
Declaring War on Apathy! Experiencing low school spirit from the main office to the classroom? Looking to increase participation? Searching for answers to implement today to combat the apathy that has infiltrated schools? It's time to fight back. Join us in the war room as we discuss strategies to take back our schools.
Embracing Diversity - Broaching the subject of Diversity, Equity & Inclusion can appear to be massive undertaking. Lori provides tangible steps to help your team learn to become more culturally competent and self-aware.
Remind Me Why I Signed Up For This? - With the increasing demand being placed on educators, it is not out of the ordinary to contemplate your career choice. In this professional development Lori leads educators on a quest back to the road the led them to pursue the life of an educator.
Teamwork Makes the Dream Work -Your faculty and staff are the pulse of the classroom, but every so often there are moments when professionals need to come together encouraged by one another. In this keynote Lori will facilitate enjoyable team-building exercises to continue the stride to the end of the year!